Can the balance car be on the road? How to buy?
Source: 本站
Views: 1264
Time: 2020-05-25

Electric balancing vehicles are unlicensed and unlicensed. According to China's "Road Traffic Safety Law", only motor vehicles within the scope of the "Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Enterprises and Product Announcement" will be licensed by the vehicle management department. In fact, this type of mobility tool is neither a motor vehicle nor a non-motor vehicle, and does not have "road rights". Once such an electric balance car is driven into a non-motor vehicle lane or a motor vehicle lane, it is illegal. "Unicycles, like roller skates and skateboards, are not a means of transportation. According to relevant regulations, pedestrians are not allowed to use roller skates, skateboards and other sliding tools on motorized lanes, non-motorized lanes and sidewalks." Traffic police officials said that according to the According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, those who use taxi tools in motor vehicle lanes shall be fined 50 yuan according to the upper limit; those who use taxi tools in non-motor vehicle lanes shall be fined 20 yuan.